
What do you miss about home?

When I visited Greer and Michael in October, one of their friends asked me what I missed most about America. I didn’t hesitate one bit and immediately answered “Ice.” “Ice?! Wow, that’s strange” he replied. Not to me. Nobody in the US ever thinks about ice at all. If you want some, you go to […]

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Rajasthan by Car part II

Have you ever seen Indian block printed fabric? I’m sure you’ve seen the muddy and dull bed spreads and tablecloths at Pier One or Cost Plus stores. These products are nothing NOTHING like the real thing. We went to Pipar to see the master block printers at work. The man in charge of the block […]

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Rajasthan by Car part I

What happens when 18 women go on a driving tour of Rajasthan? I’ll tell you: shopping happens. So does learning, dancing on the dunes, loud celebrating, intimate conversations, dosing the sick, changing flat tires, drinking wine, tea, coffee…we had a great time! I’m a member of Anamika, a women’s club that supports and encourages friendship, […]

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