Isn’t this sign cool? Doesn’t it seem to reveal all the secrets of all the gurus powering around India? I expect Sai Baba to jump out from behind a bush at any minute. This sign is in our local language, Kanada. Many people think all of India speaks Hindi, but that is a Northern language, […]
Archive | Life in India
All the India blogs.
Decorating part 2
And now, for something really over the top. In our house, there is a really strange room that used to be part of the garage. It has no windows except for a funny one that looks into the entry. It’s a huge passage between the living room, dining room, stairway to upstairs and the guest […]
Decorating Villa 178
Welcome to Villa 178 Phase I! Come on in. I have been waiting for you, getting the house all spiffed up, the wine is chilled, the coffee on, and we are ready. If I’m still upstairs when you ring the bell, take a seat on the moneylender’s bench. Just don’t sit on the cat. Tom […]