Silicon Valley, India

How does a tech worker in Bangalore get to work? See the picture above. A few weeks ago, many tech workers staged a protest against the horrible traffic and state of the roads. They all took their laptops and seated themselves in some rented bullock carts and proceeded to connect to the internet! Then, they drove the carts to the office. Wireless internet is available all over the city, but, you can’t get to work. The roads are clogged with vehicles of every description. See the next bunch of pix.

Auto Rickshaw

Auto Rickshaw

Yellow vehicle is an auto rickshaw. These things are the terror of the town. Taking their lane out of the middle, robbing customers, being really nice, the gamut. I have ridden in one and it is a bit like taking a Tilt-a-whirl car for a drive, but smaller. Whew! The motorcycle has two Muslim women in full regalia tootling along.

Two Wheelers loaded

Two Wheelers loaded

Side saddle riding

Side saddle riding

Look at all the women in saree’s riding side saddle! Lots of times, they have babies in their arms and the husband will have a kid in front of him and there will be another kid in the middle. (This is illegal, but nobody pays attention. It is so common, the jails would be full of kids.) The other day, I saw a guy with a 5-year-old in front. He was letting the little boy drive, I am not KIDDING! The father was not holding on. The rest of the family was hanging on for dear life. We have zillions of traffic deaths per year, I wonder why?

Vehicle in Front of Us

Vehicle in Front of Us

Yesterday, we were in a traffic jam. Babu took this picture of the vehicle in front of us. These cows and sheep and things just walk wherever they want. Sometimes, they wait for the bus. I have been trying to get a picture of that, but whenever I see it, I don’t have the camera or for once we are going too fast and we don’t dare stop the car for photos.

Shoot. I am off on traffic and I was going to talk about technology and the internet.
Here is how my high-speed cable connection gets into the house:

Along the wall from the neighbors,

Top of the wall

Top of the wall

Secure Connection Outside the House

Secure Connection Outside the House

Internet Cable to my Studio

Internet Cable to my Studio

Made it to the roof, and into the office. This is a 560 person WAN! We have cables all over the place. I have a wireless hub. You can get internet all over the house and in the yard.

Other people write in their blogs all the thoughts they have and how events affect life and so on. I just feel lucky to show the pictures! Sometimes, I sit down to write and I get overwhelmed by all the new things and don’t know where to start. Maybe someday I’ll have thoughts to contribute, but for now, pictures are the best I can do.

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