MMC Orchestral Miniatures Volume IV

MMC Orchestral Miniatures Volume IV

This remarkable CD is a sampler – a buffet, if you will – of 11 works by modern American composers of classical music. It shows that modern American “classical” creation is not only alive and well, but vigorous. Many of the composers are still young and will no doubt be able to contribute yet more to the musical literature. It’s fun to listen to, the pieces are all fairly brief, and the variety is outstanding. This CD would make an excellent gift for anyone who enjoys classical music and is not afraid of a little harmonic and rhythmic spice. It’s also a good CD to listen to in your car.

What people say about Mona Lyn Reese on this disk:

…Mona Lyn Reese is the only woman composer on this CD, a sign of the paucity of women composers despite the excellent works of some of them. Her “Prince” joins jazz and classical forms; it quickly develops a very complex rhythmic pattern with elements of classical jazz, with counterpoint reminiscent of Dixieland. Its incandescent rhythmic complexity exudes energy.

…Mona Lyn Reese’s composition is really interesting, encompassing Hip-Hop and R&B styles in her writing. Who says Classical music isn’t interesting these days?

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