Heritage on Wheels part II

Here we are on the steps of some lovely palace or other. We saw so many things I just can’t describe them all. So I won’t. Instead, I will show you how to ride a camel and a sneak picture of Tom and Michael dancing around a fire just as they did in their hunter-gatherer pasts (long, long pasts!)
The camel ride we took was the most fun I’ve had in a long time; it was even more fun than riding the elephant last year! The movie file is quite large, so I have it on my Mac Gallery page, to see it, go right here:
Camel Ride

Our last night on the train, after the camel ride, we had food and drinks on the terrace overlooking the lake. While we had drinks, dancers and musicians entertained us.

I wish I’d had a super expensive video recorder. The dancing and music were wild and wonderful. The young woman and the girl were a blur of color. The fellow in the turban holding sticks was mesmerizing. His hands moved so quickly, the clatter he made drove and drove the dancers.

Of course, my favorite dancers are not wearing bright costumes or clattering away with drums and sticks. Here they are, joyously performing their own “Men’s Dance”.

Enjoy the dancing!

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