Opera News: Three Fat Women of Antibes Shortlisted for London Performance

Thomas A. Hassing and Melissa Mallory in The Three Fat Women of Antibes, May 2009.

Thomas A. Hassing and Melissa Mallory in The Three Fat Women of Antibes, May 2009.

The first week in August I found out that an opera company in London was hosting Flourish a competition for new operas. The opera Tom and I wrote, The Three Fat Women of Antibes, seemed to fit the requirements perfectly, so I decided to apply. The chance of winning an opera competition is so small, it often seems not worth it to enter, but then, nothing ventured and all that. I got my materials together and sent them off.

To my HUGE surprise, I got an email this morning from Robin Norton-Hale, the artistic director of OperaUpClose, congratulating me and Tom on being shortlisted. The next step is to send them a DVD of our show that was produced here at San Jose State, in May of 2009. If we were in the UK, we could perform for the judges live. I am super excited!

The judging takes place on September 21, 2014. I don’t expect to win, but it’s great to be heard.

Here are links to the company and the theatre:



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2 Responses to Opera News: Three Fat Women of Antibes Shortlisted for London Performance

  1. Kerry Lewis August 29, 2014 at 3:33 pm #

    Oh Mona, that is just great! I’m so happy for you and I wish you success!

  2. Mona Lyn Reese August 29, 2014 at 4:03 pm #

    Thanks! Oh Kerry, I’ve been walking on air all day! Even if I don’t win, I’m still pretty gosh darn pleased.

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